Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are you who you want to be?

I finally decided to give in to the blog world! It's so interesting how we can be influenced by friends to take part in tasks that we never thought we would (but trust me NO twitter).
Last September Patrick and I adopted a precious puppy... Samford is a very goofy dog to say the least.  Within 5 minutes of meeting him, he captured my heart. Samford is the kind of dog that really knows how to make me laugh, he knows when to cuddle with me, and he knows how push my buttons. While leaving my Human Behavior class I noticed that I had a message from my roommate that said,"Samford chewed up your Spanish book and ripped the brown pillow on your bed... I cleaned up the pieces." I am so blessed to have a roommate that understands my passion (obsession) with animals. At this point all I was able to think about was my chewed up Spanish book. This book has been one of my most expensive books thus far, and I would rather do without than to buy a new one. As soon as I got back to my apartment Samford poked his little head around the corner with his ears completely flat. He knew that he was in trouble. I have been trying to show my dominance, but it's a lot harder than it was when he was all of 12 lbs. His 50 lb. stubborn body is just as difficult to take down as a brick wall!
Samford thankfully had not completely destroyed the book! Unfortunately, this is the ONE book that I have to take to every class. Oh well, it'll make a good conversation piece.
After going to John Stuart's birthday party, it's crazy to think that I was that age almost 18 years ago! Jessica and Adam invited a couple friends and family to Chill so of course Christina and I weren't going to miss it! He was so carefree with so much sugar surrounding him! John Stuart is one of (if not the most precious) child that I have had the pleasure to be around. He is always so funny and quite the entertainer. With Mamie next to him, they are ready to conquer the world. With all of these major life decisions that face college students we often forget one very important thing, that life is so short. When I think of getting a job, buying a house, having children, and so on it all seems so far away, but so did college. Gracious how the time sneaks up on us!
God reminds us in Matthew 6:34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."